Is Pride Keeping You From Your Money?

Is pride getting in your way?

If you’re not taking advantage of every *legal money-making opportunity that comes your way, you may be letting your ego drive your finances into the red.

When my son was about seven months old, his father and I parted ways which resulted in a pretty costly custody matter.

Knowing that my son was mostly sustaining on breast milk because he refused bottles and formula, meant I couldn’t just pop him into daycare and find some 9-5.

I had to think outside of the box, and thankfully my sister suggested I get a paper route. 

That’s right, a paper route. 

It paid $500 a month which is exactly what the payment for my lawyer was each month.

Did I want to get a job as a newspaper courier when I was a new Mom?  No, not at all.  But I needed money and flexibility–and this gig gave me both.

Right now, we need to be open to new opportunities.  We need to be smart enough to seek them out and humble enough to take those we may feel over-skilled for.

This is a new and changing economy and it is certainly not the over-stocked buffet of jobs it used to be.

You’ll need to do some leg work, but there are lots of companies hiring right now. A job search site like is a great place to start.

Take advantage of every opportunity right now, don’t miss out on money because you let your ego call the shots.

Remember, the universe rewards hard work even if it’s not the work you’re accustomed to.

by Brianne Roberts