Belief Creates Power

I crawled on the floor and under the desk in my office area of my home.  I had rearranged the desk and other things to be able to have a blank background for a video interview I was fortunate enough to get to do for a job I had...

Not The Future We Imagined

And it certainly is not the Now we imagined.   These times of vocational and financial transition have everyone wondering now more than ever just what they’re going to be doing now and into the near future.  *Today I sat down with Coach and all-around awesome human being, Bruce Carnohan...

Stressors of Late

There are a lot of stressors in life that are out of our control, but being late doesn’t have to be one of them. If you’re constantly finding yourself rushed, stressed, or even worse, getting in trouble at work – then it’s time to take back control of your...

Happy Up Your Mug

Face it, your mug needs to Happy Up. Pick your favorite color and pick one for someone you know needs to happy up....

Hoodies, Tees & More

Help remind the world to Happy Up with these comfy Hoodies and Tees, designed to spark joy inside and out. Click for more colors and styles....